
Oblicze Jezusa

Directed by: Jarosław Rędziak

Cinema program "Oblicze Jezusa" in Warszawa

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Movie poster Oblicze Jezusa
Original title: Oblicze Jezusa
Runtime: 75 min.
Production: Polska , 2023
Category: documentary
Release Date: 13 October 2023
Distribution: Rafael

Directed by: Jarosław Rędziak

Average rate: 7.0
rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0 rating 7.0
5 votes. | Rate movie
IMDb© rate: Oblicze Jezusa on IMDb

Movie trailer: Oblicze Jezusa

Your comments

judge Dredd 19. October 2023, 12:49


Regina Pstrągowska 18. October 2023, 5:48

Bardzo dobry film - dokument, poruszający serce i pobudzający do refleksji. Zachęcam do pójścia i obejrzenia go w kinie....

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